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Enhanced Commissioning Framework Analysis 2024/25 for West Essex GP Practices
Date: July 15, 2024
Enhanced Commissioning Framework Analysis 2024/25 for West Essex GP Practices

The Enhanced Commissioning Framework (ECF) detail has been available for a few weeks now and, having sought clarifications on some matters from the Herts and West Essex ICB, the LMC felt it would be useful to outline some of the content and changes in the 2024/25 ECF arrangements, and give some commentary that could help West Essex practices when they review this year’s ECF and make a practice decision about how/if you wish to engage with the various parts.

The below guidance and Treatment Room calculator has been produced to offer more information and help and is shared with thanks to Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire LMC Ltd:

ECF Analysis for West Essex practices 202425

2024.25 ECF Treatment Room Calculator
